Who we are


I am Emanuele Angelo Gigante, after my father Angelo and my grandfather Domenico, the third generation of workers of the soft and flexible Lecce stone. I have two wonderful children, Matteo and Francesco, and I am the second of three brothers. I have a great passion for working with Lecce stone, a material in which my territory is rich. I deal with the creation of unique, hand-crafted pieces, with the help of valid and experienced collaborators. I strongly believe in sharing sculptural activity as a cultural heritage linked to the past and projected into the future. I offer collaborations with higher education institutions as a teacher and expert.

Some of my most important works made on my projects are:

  • High altar "Convento dei Domenicani" Cavallino,Lecce
  • Ambone "Chiesa dell'Annunziata" Lizzanello,Lecce
  • Side stage columns, worked in bas-relief "Teatro il Ducale" Cavallino,Lecce
  • High altar "Chiesa del Calvario" e alloggio "SS. Sacramento" Vernole, Lecce
  • Pedestal "Testa di San Giovanni" Convento dei Domenicani Cavallino,Lecce
  • Nicchia"Maria SS Assunta" nella chiesa Matrice Cavallino,Lecce
  • Design and realization of the award "Il Galantuomo", concorso internazionale di poesia organizzato dall'Associazione "Don di Nanni" di Lecce

Emanuele Angelo Gigante - Anghelos

Experience in the sector

I have been working in this sector since May 4th 1994, when I opened my current VAT number. My mission is to safeguard the art and craft related to the creation of Lecce stone objects, which risk disappearing and getting lost over time.

On the occasion of the broadcast of an episode "Bellissima Italia" dedicated to the Puglia Region, broadcast on Rai2 in 2020, I was interviewed by Fabrizio Rocca.